Email Security & Antispam
Block email threats – including spam, phishing, business email compromise (BEC), malware, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and zero-days – before they reach your mailbox. Leverage a next-gen cloud-based email security solution with the highest detection rates and lowest false positives, combining speed, scale, and agility, powered by Perception Point.
Spam filtering
Blocks malicious communications with anti-spam and reputation based filters, leveraging the combined data of several market leading technologies.
Prevents attacks such as spoofing, look-alike domains, and display name deception with unmatched precision through machine-learning algorithms with IP reputation, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC record checks.
Detects hidden malicious content and URLs by unpacking attached or embedded files and URLs, performing deep scanning of 100% of the content.
91% of all cybercrimes and cyber-attacks start with a phishing email. A phishing attack is not a question of if – but when.
Email Security FAQs
1. What is email security?
Email security is the practice of protecting your organisation’s email accounts from cyber threats. You can improve your company’s email security posture by building best practices and using machine learning technologies to protect against malicious threats.
2. What are the different types of email security?
There are various types of email security including: Spam filter, anti-phishing, data encryption, sandboxing, secure email gateway (SEG), email data protection (EDP), and integrated cloud email security (ICES) to name a few.
3. What are good email security best practices?
There are many ways organisations can ensure effective email security including: backup critical files, educate employees, automate email encryption, and protect email accounts with sender authentication.
4. Why is email security important?
Email continues to be a significant attack vector for both malware and credential theft through phishing. An estimated 40% of ransomware attacks start through email.
5. What features should organisations look for in an email security solution?
A powerful and robust email security solution should provide protection against all email-borne threats. You should look for one email security platform that can safeguard your organisation against various types of cyber attacks including: APTs, phishing, malware, BEC, impersonation attacks, ATO and spam. The ideal solution should also possess detection engines that can effectively prevent malicious files, URLs, and social-engineering from permeating your endpoints.